The Importance of Expressive Illustrations

During a couple of my book signings, there were children too young to read, but they looked through my book and loved the illustrations. I am thinking of one sweet little boy in particular. His name is Carl.

Carl would find a page that caught his eye, and he would ask, “What is he doing?” This would stir up a conversation whereby he would listen intently. After he was satisfied by what he was being told, he would eagerly move to another page of interest and ask the same question. In each conversation that was initiated through the illustrations, Carl learned something, and so did I. I learned what was of interest to him, particularly if several questions where asked about one specific illustration. He interrogated me over many of the expressions on the children’s faces, and we talked about what those meant. His mother was a wonderful woman who patiently listened, as his older sister stood behind him, looking over his shoulder.

As Carl walked away with his family and his new book, he turned to me and waved with a big smile that showed off his deep cut dimples. Carl definitely left an impression!