As I watch the protesters in cities across the nation and globally, I am in support of their cause. After seeing the inhumane and unnecessary killing of George Floyd – not to mention the many black men and women before him – it is evident and crucial that police reform is a must. This is an example of how one person – sadly the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police – can make a difference. We also see that there is strength in numbers such as the protesters, and how change can occur with the numbers of people showing their support…Black Lives Matter. A person of color has no more control over the color of their skin than a white person has over theirs. This is both a time of reflection and action. Might these protests be about much more? I believe so. Each one of us must ask ourselves how we can help. If there was ever any doubt, we see that citizens can make a difference and create change!
Racism is destructive on every level…the most destructive problem in our world, and as we are seeing, it affects every one of us. Situations are rarely black and white. For example, I have a brother-in-law who is black, and I have a nephew who is a white police officer. Both are good and decent people, and my nephew is an excellent police officer. I can’t possibly know what they are personally feeling during this time, but I have great empathy for what they are going through. We cannot have preconceived stereotypes about people. It is dangerous. There is good and bad in every race and in every profession. Why can’t we support Black Lives Matter and also recognize that there are many good police officers?
I believe that we are all prejudiced on some level, whether we recognize it or not. It is deeply ingrained. Until we admit this, can we really be a part of the change that is needed? It is learned behavior from how we are raised, what we see, what we read, and what we personally experience. What can we do to help change racism? I certainly don’t have all of the answers, but I know that the protests and speaking out are helping. No one is born hating another person. We must raise our children to be anti-racist, we must make “educated” votes beginning in our local communities…rising to the highest level, we must personally speak up to those who are racist – whether it be friends or family, we must get involved in ways that are suitable for us, and we must educate ourselves.
It is regrettable that this comes in the midst of a pandemic. However, the timing cannot be helped. The fractures in racism finally broke when citizens saw the cruel and callous killing of George Floyd. Of course, we have all seen the unmasked mouths of people yelling at one another from a close distance and the many people gathered at the services for George Floyd. I can only hope that as many protesters as possible will wear masks to reduce their risk of the Coronavirus, as well as the risk to others. What an extraordinary time it is… history in the making. I hope and pray that people will stay well and that our country will soon begin to heal for the better, in many ways.
Education begins at home when a child is very young. Teach them and show them what is right, wrong, honest, and real.
Many thoughts and feelings. It’s complex.
Shelley this is a wonderful article you wrote! My husband is black and I have watched him anguish over the last few weeks with what has happened ‘again and again’ with racism and hate. As he said, ‘it is bringing back very dark memories.’ It wasn’t until recently he told me about being pulled over in L.A. after returning home from Viet Nam. He was pulled from the car with 3 of his black friends, pushed into a wall and guns were pulled on them. It was again ‘mistaken identity.’ I struggle myself knowing there are hundreds of good police officers and realize they are also internally struggling with what they see but also expected to uphold the law. The protests are making a difference..finally. The systemic issue at hand must not be forgotten! We must continue to use our voices for change. In this unprecedented time, we must stand together and remain hopeful that our nation with finally enact the necessary changes of equality!!