A Plea For Humanity: The Importance of Wearing a Mask

Wearing a mask in this time of the Coronavirus is not a political issue, it is a humanitarian issue. 

The anti-maskers disappoint and anger me. By rebelling against the simple act of wearing a mask tells me about who they are as people… their lack of common sense, lack of responsibility, and most importantly, their lack of humanity. 

Two of the most common defenses I hear from anti-maskers is that they trust and believe in God to take care of them and keep them safe, and that wearing a mask takes away their rights and their freedoms. What about the rights and freedoms of those who wear masks to protect themselves, their families, and others…the people who want to see this virus diminish so we can go back to living our lives?  If you believe that God will take care of you, why do you need to wear seatbelts, lock your doors, put your children in car seats, watch your toddlers when they are close to a swimming pool or ocean, wear helmets when you ride a motorcycle, worry about your dog in an overheated car, and the list goes on. 

At this point, I have heard so many other excuses for not wearing a mask: for example,  wearing a mask causes more damage to those who are and have suffered from breathing  problems, those who are victims of rape, trauma, and PTSD, and that they cause bacterial pneumonia. My son doesn’t have full lung capacity and has asthma, but he wears a mask, I know women who have been raped, and they wear a mask, I know people on oxygen, and they wear a mask, and I know many people with trauma and PTSD, and they wear a mask.

Posting on social media unreliable and untruthful claims regarding masks only hurts the importance of wearing one. 

I wonder about the younger generation in large groups who are partying and not wearing masks. What have they learned from their parents? What are they being taught about humanity through the simple act of not wearing a mask? I can’t think of a better time to teach children of any age about humanity than during the crisis we are in at this time. 

We all know people who won’t wear masks, because they believe the virus isn’t real. If that is the case, where are the numbers of deaths from the Coronavirus coming from, where are the numbers of those who have had the Coronavirus coming from, and who are these  people who have had this virus that continue to suffer with the after effects that may be long term? So much contention in caring for others. I was hoping that this country would come together by following this one guideline – wearing a mask – for the good of everyone. Even though wearing masks has been scientifically proven to help, many continue to reject this…even now as the numbers rise.